Nambu is an insect protein company
…that turns food waste into nutritious, environmentally friendly feed for chickens, pigs, fish and pets.
This transformation is achieved by feeding food and organic waste to the larvae of the Black Soldier Fly, known to science as Hermetia Illucens.
Order in bulk or
by the kilogram
High in protein and packing a surprising amount of fat, Black Soldier Fly Larvae are the perfect feed for your poultry, fish, livestock and pets.
Made to meet
your needs
We’ll customize our durable and proven growth systems to help you start your own self-sufficient Black Soldier Fly breeding colony.
Our expertise is available to you
We believe in sharing our knowledge and expertise as widely as possible. Tell us what you’re planning and we’ll put together a plan to help you achieve your goals.
We take organic waste (spoiled food and kitchen scraps) and use it to create a substrate.
This is both the perfect habitat and source of nutrients for the Black Soldier Fly larvae.
Once the larvae have reached maturity we sieve them out of the substrate.
Some of the larvae are then harvested and allowed to mature into adults in order to populated the next generation.
The vast majority, however, are either sold as live feed stock or a processed into a protein feed.
The substrate is harvested for use as a high value soil amendment or combined with additional organic matter to create a rich compost.
Our process reduces the burden on municipal garbage disposal, produces fewer greenhouse gas emissions (even beating composting!) and rapidly repurposes nutrients that would otherwise be lost.